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A jQuery plugin. Create a scroll line bar indicator on the page.
JavaScript CSS
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A jQuery plugin. Create a scroll line bar indicator on the page.



Basic Usage

Include scrolline.js file in the page, along with jQuery.

<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/scrolline.js"></script>

Then call $.scrolline(); to launch the plugin.


You can apply a set of optional options:

  • includeInitialScreen (Boolean) - Determines whether the scrolline will include the initial screen (default false)
  • direction (String) - Can be vertical or horizontal (default 'horizontal')
  • position (String) - Define the position of the scrolline : top and bottom for the horizontal position, left or right for the vertical position (default top for horizontal and left for vertical)
  • reverse (Boolean) - Revert the scrolline's direction (default false)
  • scrollEnd (Function) - Callback function to be executed at the end of scrolling
  • styles (Object) - Styling of the scrollines
  • styles.backColor (String) - Define the color of back's scrolline. The possible values are regular color values used in CSS like: #ffffff, #fff, rgb(255, 255, 255) or transparent (default '#ecf0f1')
  • styles.frontColor (String) - Define the color of front's scrolline (default '#2ecc71')
  • styles.opacity (Number) - Define alpha's scrolline, value must be between 0 and 1 (default 1)
  • styles.weight (Number) - Define the width of the vertical scrolline (or the height of the horizontal) in pixels (default 5)
  • styles.zIndex (Number) - Change the z-index value if needed (default 10)


Reverse scrolline with custom colors at the bottom of the screen:

    reverse: true,
    position: 'bottom',
    styles: {
        backColor : '#2980b9',
        frontColor : '#f1c40f',
        weight : 12

Vertical scrolline at the right side of the screen with a callback:

    position: 'right',
    direction: 'vertical',
    styles: {
        weight: 30,
    scrollEnd : function() {
		alert('End of scroll!');


  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • IE
  • Safari mobile



Alex Bondarev You can find me on twitter @skip405

Original idea

Anthony Ly, on twitter @Pik_at


Licence MIT

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